Medicaid Lawyer Warwick, RI

Medicaid Lawyer Warwick, RI - Gavel and Stethoscope on Reflective Wooden Table.

When planning for your senior years, our Warwick, RI Medicaid lawyer knows that it is common to have worries about whether you’re going to have saved enough money to take care of yourself. Nursing home expenses can be challenging for many people to meet, especially if it is a long-term residence. Considering the monetary burden, it is common for many residents of Rhode Island to take certain steps and ensure they are eligible for Medicaid assistance. Medicaid benefits can help people pay to stay at a nursing home or living facility. However, the requirements for legibility are quite strict. At McCarthy Law, LLC, we can help you plan for and manage your finances, in addition to seeing that you can meet Medicaid requirements when the time comes to apply. Don’t hesitate to call us right now if you have questions!

Our team can help you determine when the best time to send in your Medicaid application would be. If you apply for Medicaid too late, it can cause you to become ineligible for government support, sometimes for years. But applying too late may also mean that you have lost out on several months that you could have been receiving monetary assistance. Those who have let time go by for too long before filing may have to use a portion of funds from their estate to cover the costs for nursing home expenses. Fortunately, our team can help you identify the right date to submit your Medicaid application for the highest odds of approval. 

The government is going to do a review of every applicant’s assets and finances to assess if they qualify for Medicaid. The government is going to take the financial history of the applicant into account, including assets they gave away or sold during the previous five years. Asset sales will be counted against the applicant’s claim and may force them to wait longer before they become eligible. You can obtain eligibility by planning ahead of time and managing your finances mindfully. Our attorneys can provide reliable insight and guidance on how to gift without serious impacts to your Medicaid application.

There are many strategies we can implement to reduce assets carefully, allowing you to meet the Medicaid requirements as soon as possible. Our team can help you prevent committing financial missteps that could delay or hinder your acceptance into the Medicaid program. We know that getting older isn’t something everyone loves thinking about, but the best thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones is plan for the future before it arrives. 

It’s all too easy to accidentally make serious mistakes that result in a delay or denial of your Medicaid application. That is, unless you have a dedicated Warwick Medicaid attorney working on your behalf who understands how the law works. Were you recently denied Medicaid and want to know if you can fight it? We can answer that too. If you have Medicaid concern or want to plan for it now, please reach out to us at McCarthy Law, LLC at your next convenience!

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